About Us

The Board of Public Works is the utility entity of the Bamberg municipal government, separate from the City of Bamberg and governed by a three person commission. The primary mission of the Board of Public Works is to provide customers with reliable water, wastewater, electric and natural gas utilities at reasonable and competitive rates.

The Board of Public Works strives to be an integral part in the development of the City of Bamberg as a whole. Through leadership and vision, the Board of Public Works seeks to work with the Bamberg community to develop an industrial and economic base to provide greater opportunities for the citizens of Bamberg and the surrounding area.


The Board of Public Works was established on October 4, 1905. The Board of Public Works provides water, wastewater, electric and natural gas service throughout the incorporated area of Bamberg and beyond. The Board of Public Works serves approximately 2,500 customers with one or more utilities.

Mission Statement

  • The Board of Public Works recognizes its legislated responsibility to provide electric, water, wastewater and natural gas services to its individual and business customers in Bamberg and surrounding area.
  • We believe that our customers should reasonably expect to enjoy uninterrupted service with a minimum of down time.
  • We recognize our responsibility to adhere to all state and federal laws, rules and regulations. Further, all operations of the Board of Public Works are prefaced upon safety of our customers, our employees and the environment alike.
  • We believe in being accountable to our customers, who are our shareholders as well as rate payers.
  • As a public utility, we are committed to providing the highest quality, efficient service that we can provide in a professional and cost effective manner.


The Board of Public Works holds memberships in the following organizations:

Board of Public Works Commissioners

Buzzy Bunch: Chairman
Craig Walker: Commissioner
L.E. "Bo" Griffin: Commissioner